Teaching staff have a few options for interacting with BLUEcloud Course Lists. They can create lists and add resources or have a more limited view and only access the completed lists with the Student View URL. Access can differ between staff members, with some preferring to create lists and others wanting to only reference and point students to a completed list. Described below are some of the different options available to teachers. If you have any questions about the different options for teacher access to BLUEcloud Course Lists, please contact your ITC's Library Support Staff and they can help you decide on the best course of action.
Whatever role teachers take in the creation, use, and distribution of BLUEcloud Course Lists, don't forget they are some of the best advocates for your library, so be sure to make a plan to get them involved in some way.
Student access is available through the published URL once the list has been completed. Students can access a list by using the list's URL or a list can be integrated into the school's LMS through Learning Tools Interoperability (LTI). The LTI helps connect your LMS to virtual learning environments. A list's URL can be posted in a variety of ways including on a school website, on a school library website, through social media, in an email, or in an LMS. Wherever the link ends up, make sure it is visible and remind students periodically that the list(s) is there to help them with their reading and research needs.
274 E 1st Ave #100
Columbus OH 43201
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For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at https://support.infohio.org.