BLUEcloud is SirsiDynix's next-generation library services platform that brings the best library user experience in a cloud-based environment. Through INFOhio, the following BLUEcloud products can be accessed such as BLUEcloud Circulation, BLUEcloud Cataloging, BLUEcloud Course Lists, MobileStaff, and ISearch. BLUEcloud Circulation manages check-ins, checkouts, holds, and more, from any supported device with an internet connection. BLUEcloud Cataloging brings copy cataloging to the cloud, to work smarter and faster. BLUEcloud Course Lists enables librarians and teachers to create online, interactive lists of both digital and physical, library materials. With MobileStaff, take circulation out from behind the circulation desk, conduct inventory, and create a self-checkout station. ISearch, INFOhio's discovery search interface, allows users to search nearly all INFOhio resources along with the contents of school libraries making it easier for you to find the right resource when needed. Choose to complete individual classes in this INFOhio Learning Pathway, or complete the full BLUEcloud Learning Pathway to earn up to 18.5 contact hours.
Welcome! Review this space for information about the BLUEcloud Learning Pathway training classes, including a syllabus, options for taking the class, and a training guide for ITC Providers or others who may train library staff on BLUEcloud software.
Learn more about INFOhio, Ohio's PreK-12 Digital Library, with a wealth of resources available at no cost to Ohio students, parents, and educators. This class will help participants identify the resources with digital content and web tools available on the website, and learn to navigate the site easily. After successfully completing the final quiz, earn a certificate for two contact hours.
Participants who wish to take the class for Ohio Approved hours should log in to their OCCRRA profile and register for the class. Search for ST10114268. Once you have completed the class and the quiz, the INFOhio instructor for the class will verify your attendance for Ohio Approved hours. Please note that verification of attendance in the class is updated in OCCRRA each Monday. You may experience a delay between completing the class and receiving your Ohio Approved hours because of this.
Develop a more complete understanding of how and why we catalog the way we do. This class is for new Ohio school librarians or Ohio school library staff who have not completed a graduate program in library science. After successfully completing the final quiz, earn a certificate for one contact hour.
Learn more about BLUEcloud Cataloging, SirsiDynix's next-generation, browser-based, cataloging software. This class will train school library staff on how to use and incorporate BLUEcloud Cataloging into their own unique library environment. After successfully completing the final quiz, earn a certificate for three contact hours.
Learn about BLUEcloud Circulation, SirsiDynix's next-generation, browser-based, circulation software. School library staff will learn about the many benefits of using BLUEcloud Circulation. After successfully completing the final quiz, earn a certificate for three contact hours.
Learn more about ISearch, INFOhio's discovery search interface, in this four and a half hour (4.5) class. ISearch lets you search nearly all INFOhio resources, along with the contents of your school library, from a single search box, making it easier for you to find the right print and digital texts and other content for your students and staff. School library staff will learn how to use ISearch to find resources for students and staff and how to teach them to use ISearch for their research. Participants will also learn customization options that they can use to refine their ISearch experience. After successfully completing the final quiz, participants will earn a certificate for four and a half (4.5) contact hours.
MobileStaff (formerly called MobileCirc) is a mobile-based circulation application that integrates directly with your existing catalog. With MobileStaff not only can you circulate materials but you can also inventory, weed, manage holds, and much more. With its browser and app-based setup, a wide variety of devices can be used so that you can get out from behind the circulation desk and go mobile with MobileStaff!
BLUEcloud Course Lists is a resource list management tool enabling librarians and teachers to work together to build lists of library and online resources relevant to what students are studying. Course Lists is a great way to promote your library’s resources, incorporate teacher vetted materials, and link to safe, quality digital resources.
Congratulations! You have completed the BLUEcloud Learning Pathway. By taking this quiz, you will earn a BLUEcloud Learning Pathway Badge. This pathway is worth 18.5 contact hours, and the certificates you earned from completing each class serve as evidence of those hours.