Learning Objectives
- Reflect on learning by sharing information with others.
Check Your Learning
Use this checklist to determine whether you have met the objectives of the training module.
- I can successfully log into BLUEcloud Central.
- I can set into the correct institution (school building).
- I can search multiple targets and use facets to limit my search.
- I can edit bibliographic data manually.
- I can edit bibliographic data using shortcuts like drag and drop.
- I can update/improve bibliographic records by merging or overlaying from other databases.
- I can create/edit call number and item/copy records.
- I can use a Z39.50 target to import a record.
- I can create and modify records in batch.
- I can add a new record using a template.
- I have reflected on learning by sharing information with others.
Reflecting on Your Learning
Now that you have learned how to use BLUEcloud Cataloging, please answer the following questions in the BLUEcloud Library Services Open Space group Discussions. Find the Your Reflections on BLUEcloud Cataloging reflection question in the Discussions tab. Reply to the thread and review other participants' responses.
- What part of the class and its activities were most helpful in your understanding of the topic? Why?
- What part of the class could be better? What would you do to improve it? Why?
- What was the most important thing you learned from this class? What makes it important to you?
Extend the Learning
Now that you have completed the training, make sure the learning doesn't stop. Once you have implemented BLUEcloud Cataloging into your daily workflow, consider these questions:
- What worked/didn't work? How will you replicate the success or correct the problem the next time you use BLUEcloud Cataloging?
- Which materials you learned about in training will you use the most to integrate BLUEcloud Cataloging into daily use?
- What are two pieces of advice you would give to a fellow librarian who wants to integrate BLUEcloud Cataloging into their library?
Once you have completed your self-assessment, click the Next button to complete the Final Quiz for the BLUEcloud Cataloging course.