INFOhio Campus

Sharing The World Almanac for Kids Elementary with Parents and Colleagues


Learning Objectives
  • Consider methods for sharing The World Almanac for Kids Elementary with parents and colleagues. 


Connecting Teachers and Parents with Quality, Valid Content 

The first step in creating awareness is notifying an audience about what is available. There are many Training & Support materials available on the INFOhio information page for The World Almanac for Kids Elementary.

There are additional resources, listed below, that teachers also can print and share:  



The World Almanac for Kids Elementary Games section support students in many content areas, including math, science, and social studies. 


Consider sharing the Games section with parents if they need engaging ways to help their children with their studies. Pictured below is the current featured game, Drag and Drop Math. It provides practice for addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. 


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