Grade Level INFOhio eBooks & Videos make it easy for students in all grades to browse or search for eBooks to read for enjoyment or information.
To Use Grade Level INFOhio eBooks and Videos:
Grade Level INFOhio eBooks and Videos collections contain licensed and purchased content specifically chosen to support students at each grade level. The titles found in each collection are age appropriate for students, but educators should model the use of the resource and support students as they learn how to access and use the eBooks and videos.
Select the grade level collection that best meets the needs of your students. The collection contains both eBooks and videos for students. To determine the type of content, check the icon and text in the upper left corner of each title.
The collections can be browsed by scrolling and use a lazy load feature for continuous content. Titles are listed alphabetically.
Students can also search by title, author, or subject keyword. Use the black X next to the search box to clear the search and start a new keyword search
The filter feature gives students options to narrow their search to just eBooks.
Students also can limit a search to a content area.
Once students have found the eBook they want to read, a click opens the eBook. Model for students how to use the features available for eBooks from each collection.
The K-5, 6-8. and 9-12 collections allow students to include results from other collections. Click the box next to the grade band to see eBooks and videos from other collections. This is helpful for students who need enrichment.
Capstone Interactive, EBSCO, Infobase, Gale, Proquest, and World Book eBooks each have a lesson in this class. To learn more about BookFlix and World Book Early Learning (found in the Ages 3-5 and Grades K-5 collections, take the correspodning classes in the Ages 3-5 Digital Content Learning Pathway or the Grades K-5 Digital Content Learning Pathway.
Try a variety of searches using the filters in the collection(s) that are the best fit for your students.
Fetch is avaiable to INFOhio automated schools. If you are an INFOhio school, please log in with your school username/password using the button at the top-left corner of this page.
For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at