Proquest eBooks


Learning Objectives

  • Find the eBook collections on the INFOhio website:
  • Understand actions needed to access eBooks and personalize use for each collection. 
  • Identify accessibility features available for the eBooks.


Access Proquest eBooks

You can use eBooks from Proquest on a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or other devices with internet access. Infobase's eBooks can also be downloaded, shared to email and Google Classroom, saved to Google Drive, and printed.

To find the eBook collections:

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Grades K-5 eBooks & Videos Grades 6-8 eBooks & Videos, or the Grades 9-12 eBooks & Videos tile.
  3. Click the blue "i" or More Info on the preferred collection's tile.
  4. Read the additional information about the eBooks.
  5. Click the Open button to access the resource.
homepage25Learn the Facts

Proquest eBooks are appropriate for students in grades K-12. The eBooks support Ohio's Learning Standards for various content areas and can be used simultaneously in classrooms and large groups. More than 100 eBooks provide readers with curricular support and high-interest reads.

Using the eBooks Features

After selecting a Proquest eBook to read and clicking it to open, the homepage offers helpful features for readers to get started. The eBooks and individual chapters can be read in the browser window or they can be downloaded. Note that downloading the eBook requires creating an account using an email address. 



If reading the book online, there are many features to support reading on a screen.


The menu on the left margin allows readers to switch views:

  • Cover
  • Table of contents
  • Annotations
  • Search within the book

The menu at the top of the eBook gives readers these options:

  • Full Download 
  • Chapter Download
  • Copy
  • Print to PDF
  • Add to Bookshelf
  • Share Link
  • Get Citation
  • Highlight
  • Add Note
  • Add Bookmark
  • Zoom Out
  • Zoom In
  • Zoom (Fit Width or Fit Page)

The image above shows the eBook with the eBook added to a bookshelp, with highlighting, and fit to the page.

Note the menu at the very top. Clicking Home will take you to the Proquest homepage where you can browse all eBooks available from INFOhio. Under Settings, changing the Language Option does not affect the text of the book, only the text in the Proquest resource. 


Navigating Proquest eBooks

From the homepage on Proquest eBook Central, readers have several options to discover other eBooks. To browse titles, click Browse Subjects under the Search box. This is an easy way to find a title to support the reader's need. 


There are more than 100 eBooks supporting the subjects shown. Click one to find the eBooks available for that subject. 


The results page has features to the right of the title similar to those available in the eBook. These include Download as PDF, Read Online, Table of Contents and More, and Add to Bookshelf. As a reminder, downloading eBooks and adding them to a bookshelp require the reader to create an account.


If the results from browsing don't yield the desired titles, use the search box in the upper left. Use a keyword, title, author, or ISBN. 


The limiters on the left are helpful when you want to narrow the search results. 


Search results can be viewed by book or chapter by clicking on the tab at the top of the results list. The same helpful features are available for chapters. 


Pause and Do

Browse the Proquest eBooks and find a title your students might enjoy. Practice using the eBook features.

  • What features will be most helpful for your students?
  • Are some students more likely to need accessibility features?
  • How can you introduce these eBooks to your students?

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For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at