
As this class comes to a close, use the following course learning objectives to check your understanding of the material. Consider revisiting any of the lessons that you don't feel confident in.

  1. Articulate the purpose and educational value of the Open Space platform.
  2. Navigate Open Space effectively and identify its main features.
  3. Create an Open Space account and update the personal profile.
  4. Locate instructional materials on Open Space using search tools, filters, collections, and hubs.
  5. Identify quality assurance standards for evaluating educational content.
  6. Save and share content using personal folders, groups, and URLs.
  7. Curate instructional materials using record ratings, evaluations, and comments.
  8. Add new content to Open Space using the Submit from Web and Open Author tools.
  9. Identify basic design and open licensing features related to creating and sharing content.


Now that you have completed the training, make sure the learning doesn't stop. Consider these questions:

  • How do you see yourself using and sharing Open Space? 
  • Which groups, if any, would you like to regularly participate in?
  • How would you describe Open Space to a colleague?
  • How might you help a colleague find what they're looking for in Open Space?
  • What is your "why" for searching for supplemental instructional materials?
  • How could you share the idea of free, open, high-quality instructional materials with your peers?



Now that you have reflected on your understanding of Open Space, ask yourself these questions about the learning process:

  • What part of the class and its activities was most helpful in your understanding of the topic? Why?
  • What part of the class could be better? What would you do to improve it? Why?
  • What was the most important thing you learned from this class? What makes it important to you?


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