Keeping the budget in mind, if funds are available, book vendors and book stores are great places to start. Check to see who your predecessor ordered from if you are new. You may need to consult your school's secretary or treasurer's office. Also, keep in mind some districts may have special steps to follow, especially when ordering from a new vendor. If you have to use your budget funds before a certain date, make sure you have placed orders ahead of time.
Ask for a discount. INFOhio subscribes to OhioNet on behalf of all Ohio schools. They partner with companies to provide discounts on library-related materials, including books. Create a login and sign into their website. Look for the Product and Supply Discounts to find out more information. Your district also may be a part of a purchasing co-op. Talk to your treasurer's office to see if this is available. When ordering from a company, don't be afraid to ask for a discount as well.
Here are a few book vendors librarians in Ohio use. This is not an exhaustive list.
As a new librarian, or as a librarian new to a building or district, it is a good idea to reach out to any vendors already in place. Introduce yourself and let them know you are looking forward to working with them. Share any goals you might have in regards to building the curriculum. Sign-up for emails that will keep you up-to-date on trends and new titles. Some vendors even offer free professional development webinars you can attend.
When ordering, each vendor will have slightly different specifications they will need to know. These might include call number preference, bibliographic information including reading programs used in your school, barcode ranges, and more. If you are using INFOhio's Library Services Platform (LSP), please work with your ITC Library Support Staff when filling out any of this information to make sure it is correct.
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