INFOhio Campus

Creating a Lesson to Support Inquiry with IWonder


Learning Objective
  • Create a lesson plan using IWonder Genius Hour to stimulate student curiosity and sustain short inquiry projects.


Download the IWonder Teacher's Guide and IWonder Genius Hour Worksheet from the exercise files at the bottom of this page to help you with this lesson.  

IWonder Genius Hour Lesson Plan

Review the IWonder Teacher's Guide. Reflect on how much time you will give to the Genius Hour project each day. Some teachers set time for the project to cover seven days while others set a specific time each week over several weeks to complete each project. 

  • Time Needed gives an example of outcomes divided over eight days. Determine the amount of time you will give each day to the project. 


  • Lesson Plan gives an example of tasks students plan to complete each day. 


  • Record your daily objectives, tasks, and resources needed for each day of the Genius Hour project using your lesson planning format or template. 
  • Create a class calendar with the daily objectives, tasks, and resources. Share this calendar with your students.
  • Plan for opportunities for students to share their Genius Hour projects with authentic audiences. Here are some suggestions.
    • Ask for student volunteers to share their Genius Hour projects at a school board meeting.
    • Display Genius Hour projects in your school library or media center.
    • Invite your school administrators to your classroom during Genius Hour presentations.
    • Partner with a teacher in an elementary building and ask your students to share their Genius Hour presentations with younger students. Encourage your students to include hands-on activities for younger learners. 

Exercise files for this lesson

This teacher guide supports IWonder and includes standards covered, lesson planning ideas, and the time needed to complete the task. The activity IWonder Genius Hour allows educators to guide their students through the inquiry process. Students learn to locate information, take notes, and create a presentation.
Students use this worksheet to locate information about a topic and take notes.
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