INFOhio Campus

Spread the Word About INFOhio


Learning Objectives
  • Locate training and PD materials to use for additional information and to share INFOhio with others. 


Educator Tools 

To find Educator Tools, use the main menu and choose Educator Tools under Educators.

educator tools screenshot

What is Educator Tools?

Educator Tools is INFOhio's repository for its licensed and purchased content. Created with educators in mind, the resource contains more than 10,000 premium videos and eBooks and the lesson plans, activities, and training materials to support them and their students. Educator Tools is recommended for educators only. Students can find eBooks and videos using the Grade Level INFOhio eBooks & Videos collections found in each grade level button. 

In this tool, you will find:

Purchased and Licensed Digital Content

  • Purchased eBooks from Capstone, Proquest, Gale, EBSCO, Highlights, and Infobas
  • Purchased videos from Infobase and Kids Discover
  • Licensed content (eBooks and modules) from BookFlix and Sciencflix
  • Licensed Science Online modules

Training and Support Materials for all INFOhio's Digital Content

  • Lesson Plans 
  • Activities
  • Flyers for Promotion
  • Training videos
  • Help Guides
  • Parent Resources
  • Logos and Graphics
Navigating Educator Tools to Support Training and Outreach

Educator Tools is designed to help busy educators find the right materials quickly and easily using  keyword searches and limiters.

To browse content in Educator Tools use the limiters on the left. If you wish to see INFOhio flyers available to dowload or share via hyperlink, choose Prof. Learning & Support and click Flyers & Posters. You also can limit to a specific resource under Source. 

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For example, if you are doing a training for BookFlix, choose BookFlix under the Source limiter.

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Click the "i" button and use the Bookmark button and copy the link to share the flyer that best supports your training goal. Or, click the green View/Download button, and download and print the flyer to share with your colleagues.

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Other limiters are helpful for finding instructional materials to support resources. Use the Activty or Lesson Plan limiter under Item Type. 

WorldBook and PebbleGo Next (Use the Capstone limiter under Source) have many activities and lessons available in Educator Tools. Add a keyword search to narrow your results. Clicking the green heart in the lower left corner allows you to save the items you need. 

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When you have found the best materials, click the green button to the left of the search bar. There, you can copy a link to share or email your favorite results to yourself or other educators. 

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Choosing the Activity limiter also yields INFOhio Choice Boards. Designed for students to use, the hyperlinked graphic is an easy way to deliver quality content. Consider how to share these materials with educators. 

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To learn more about using Educator Tools to find eBooks, complete the class Quality eBooks from INFOhio to Supplement Instruction

Teach With INFOhio Blog

In a previous lesson the Teach with INFOhio Blog was shown on the Stay Connected page.  It can also be easily found on our homepage.

teach with infohio blog 1


Scroll the most recent posts here or Click the Read More link to search through the entire collection. 

 Teach with INFOhio blog

The blog contains valuable information to keep you up to date on what's happening at INFOhio. It includes helpful tips and strategies for using INFOhio's content and tools for teaching and learning. Check out the blogs and blog series that will help you lead others in your school or district.

  • Quality Instructional Materials from INFOhio
    • Blog series that applies the Quality Instructional Materials Rubric to INFOhio resources. Includes features of the resource that meet the criteria including, research-based strategies, inclusive teaching, and usability.
  • Literacy in the Math Classroom
    • Blog series outlining INFOhio resources that teachers can use in the classroom with reading, writing, and discussion strategies to build math comprehension and critical thinking.
  • Extended Learning Plans and the Simple View of Reading 
    • Blog series highlighting how INFOhio's content and web tools support reading, writing, speaking, and listening competencies.
  • Family Engagement: INFOhio Provides Opportunities for All
    • Blog post sharing tips to engage families using INFOhio's resources and web tools. 
  • INFOhio Resources Support Social Emotional Learning
    • Blog series outlining the content and tools from INFOhio that support Ohio's Social and Emotional Learning Standards.
  • Creating Career Awareness with INFOhio Resources
    • Blog series highlighting how INFOhio bridges career exploration and readiness.
  • Give the Gift of Literacy
    • Blog post to support the use of INFOhio's digital text during the holiday season to keep students and their families reading.
Using Teach With INFOhio Blog Posts for Training, Professional Development, and Outreach

It is easy to share Teach With INFOhio blog posts with staff. Sharing a link via email is quick and delivers a lot of great INFOhio content with one click. INFOhio blog posts are also included in the monthly bulletins you receive. Copy and paste the news bullet from the document into an email, your newsletter, or other forms of communication.

In addition, Teach With INFOhio blog posts are easy to transform into a short presentation. Similar to the concept shared in the previous lesson, content and images used in a blog can be copied and pasted onto slides. 

Take few minutes to read this Teach With INFOhio blog post, Quality Text for Women's History Month: eBook Collections from INFOhio


Next, check out this presentation with the same name.


This presentation took about 10 minutes to prepare. Images were copied from the orginal post, and the notes are text from the blog. Other images come from screenshots. Using a Teach With INFOhio blog post is an easy way to create a training or PD to use with your staff or parents. 

INFOhio Monthly Bulletins

Each month, INFOhio sends out montly bulletins with updates, additions, and enhancements to our reosources and services. These are designed for you to share with your colleagues, patrons, local schools, or families. Download the attached Word doc and copy and paste the bulletins into and email or your monthly newsletter. 

Untitled presentation 5

 Social Media

Connect with us on Social Media to see what's happening and share how #INFOhioworks for you! 



Reflecting on Your Learning

Answer the following questions in the Discussion tab of the INFOhio IPartner Open Space group. Look for IPartner 2024-2025 Spread the Word about INFOhio.

  1. Browse the flyers in the document library. Think about groups you work with and decide which flyers would be best for each.
  2. Read at least one of the blog posts listed above. Consider the best audience to share this information with. Send it via email or create a presentation using the content. 


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Fetch - Library Catalog Search

Fetch is avaiable to INFOhio automated schools. If you are an INFOhio school, please log in with your school username/password using the button at the top-left corner of this page.

For more information about Fetch, please visit the Fetch information page or contact INFOhio support at