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Getting to Know Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12


Learning Objectives
  • Find Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12 on the INFOhio website:
  • Identify the databases that supply the content for both platforms to find the resources that best meet your students' needs. 


Access Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12

You can use Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12 on a computer, mobile phone, tablet, or other device with Internet access.

  1. Go to
  2. Click the Grades 6-8 button or the Grades 9-12 button.
  3. Click the blue "i" in the Explora for Grades 6-8 or Explora for Grades 9-12 resource box or tab.
  4. Read the additional information about Explora for Grades 6-8 or Explora for Grades 9-12 resource box or tab.
  5. Click the Open button to access the resource.


Sharing Links to Licensed Resources

INFOhio's licensed digital content is password-protected to ensure it is accessible only to Ohio teachers, parents, and students. Sharing the correct link for the content and resource is important to ensure seamless access. In this video, learn how to share Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12 with students.

Databases Found in Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12

Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9-12 have a similar appearance. 

Explora for Grades 6-8

UpdatedExplora6 8Homepage

 Explora for Grades 9-12

Updated9 12Homepage

Despite the same look, the two resources draw articles, videos, and other content from different databases. The content is chosen intentionally to meet the needs of students at each level. Consider the lists below to understand more about the two resources and the databases each features. Some explanation of content appears beside several of the databases listed. For listings that do not offer detail, find more information on the INFOhio All Resources page. Once there, click on the "i" button in the tab for the database you want to explore further. 

Explora for Grades 6-8

  • Middle Search Plus - This database includes full text from popular magazines for middle school students, biographical articles, historical essays, primary source documents, and an image collection. 
  • Middle Search Reference eBook Collection 
  • Newspaper Source
  • Topic Overviews 6-12
  • Vocational and Career Collection 

Explora for Grades 9-12

  • Academic Search Premier - This multidisciplinary database provides full text for more than 4,600 journals, including full text for nearly 3,900 peer-reviewed titles.
  • Computer Source
  • eBook High School Collection (EBSCOhost)
  • GreenFile
  • Health Source: Consumer Edition
  • Literary Reference Center
  • Literary Reference Center eBook Collection
  • MAS Reference eBook Collection
  • MAS Ultra - School Edition - This database includes full text of popular magazines for high school students, biographical articles, primary source documents, eBooks (including the Columbia Encyclopedia, the CIA World Factbook, and World Almanac and Book of Facts), and an image collection.
  • Newspaper Source
  • Points of View Reference Center
  • Science Reference Center
  • Science Reference eBook Collection 
  • Topic Overviews 6-12
  • TOPICsearch
  • Vocational and Career Collection

Watch the short video, Explora Grades 6-8 and 9-12 Tutorial, from EBSCO, to learn more about this resource. 



Reflecting on Your Learning

Answer the following questions in the Explora Resources Open Space group. Find the Features of Explora Resources reflection question in the discussions tab. Reply to the thread and respond to other participants' answers. 

  • Thinking about the students you work with, name at least two ways Explora for Grades 6-8 and Explora for Grades 9 -12 can help you supplement content in your classroom. Name at least two features that will most appeal to your students based on what you learned from your quick glimpse at the resource.
  • What is one question you have about the resource that you hope will be answered during the training?
  • Think of a time when you used a website or online tool in your instruction. What did you like about using the digital resource? How was it different from using other resources in your teaching?


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