Understanding the Review Process


Learning Objectives
  • Identify the steps in the EdReports review process that support schools and districts in quality materials selection.


For Educators by Educators

EdReports includes and relies on educators from the field in every part of the review process. You can find comprehensive information on this process at www.edreports.org. Choose About from the menu, and then click Our Process.

The process starts by supporting educator-led teams as they develop rubrics and evidence guides that will be the foundation of the review. This first step includes:

  • Using an extensive research base
  • Examining other rubrics to find the criteria needed to meet educators' needs
  • Internalizing the findings of content-area experts from around the country
  • Using the standards to analyze, improve with feedback, and develop rubrics and evidence guides
  • Revising rubrics and evidence guides based on input from educational peers and professionals

Once the tools for evaluation are in place, the next step in the process is to recruit and train reviewers. To become a reviewer for EdReports, qualifications include:

  • Deep content area knowledge and experience with learning standards in ELA, mathematics, or science
  • Past experience in evaluating using rubrics and other tools
  • Passion for ensuring quality materials for all educators and students 
  • No connection with content providers 
  • Participation in remote and in-person conferences and collaborations with fellow reviewers

Once qualified and experienced educators have been secured by EdReports, the evaluations begin. The educator-led teams:

  • Focus on the presence of standards in materials and the standards sequencing and depth
  • Analyze each page of materials under review
  • Meet frequently to reach a consensus on the rubric score for materials and the supporting evidence for the evaluation 
  • Dedicate 5-10 hours a week for a total of 4-6 months to fully review materials 

A key component of the process is engagement with the publishers of the instructional materials. EdReports:

  • Purchases the materials directly from the publisher
  • Invites the publisher to provide an overview of the materials 
  • Sets up a communication pathway for reviewers to ask the publisher questions during the review
  • Provides a draft copy of the review report and encourages the publisher to share a response to the findings on the EdReports website.

The final step in the EdReports review process is to release the report. Benefits of the reports include:

  • Free cost-effective solutions
  • Equitable information available to all educators to empower decision-making
  • Transparency which improves the access to, and requests for, quality instructional materials

 Watch an overview highlighting key components of this process in the video below. 


Reflecting on Your Learning
  1. Think about a process you follow on a daily basis to ensure a quality outcome. What elements from this process do you recognize in EdReports? Explain ways these shared elements lead to high quality.
  2. Consider each of the steps listed in the EdReports review process. Create a flow chart or diagram that helps reflect the order, elements, and importance of each step.


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