Learning Objectives
- Understand the importance of using digital text, print, and other media in early learning curriculum.
- Find the Early Learning Portal on the INFOhio website: www.infohio.org.
- Navigate the portal to find the best resource based on student needs.
- Find the instructional supports available in the resource.
- Identify best practices for using the Early Learning Portal in the classroom.
- Consider methods for sharing the Early Learning Portal with parents.
Apply What You Know
Now that you have read the Early Learning Portal Training Presentation, complete the steps below on the live portal. You can use the slides in the presentation for help if you need to.
- Access the Early Learning Portal on the INFOhio website.
- Click Early Bird in the right corner on each page to get tips.
- Navigate within the portal to find the Parent Resources pages. Choose one of the featured resources that you will share with parents.
- Use the site navigation tools to go to the Educator Tips. Click the link to the Best Practices for Digital Reading and download the file. Consider the Best Practices you could use in your teaching.
- Find the Parent Handout. Think about at least one student who you could send the paper home with. Download it to use later.
- Navigate to the Educator Resources page. Choose one of the domains to learn more about. Start with one that is a focus for your class right now.
- Browse the resources found in this domain. Choose three or four you would like to learn more about.
- Use the link on the domain home page to download the spreadsheet that aligns the Ohio Learning Standards to the Early Learning Portal resources.
- Optional: Take the classes for World Book Early Learning and BookFlix, resources licensed for the state of Ohio by INFOhio. You will find them in the Ages 3-5 Digital Content Pathway.
Reflecting on Your Learning
In the Discussions Tab of the
Early Learning Open Space group, share a resource that you found. Post your response, identifying how you will use it in instruction in the
Instructional Materials from the INFOhio Early Learning Portal question. Review the thread and reply to other participants' responses.