Teach With INFOhio

Tell Us Your Story

Author // INFOhio Staff Thursday, 07 November 2024

  • In the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year, students in all 88 counties in Ohio used INFOhio digital resources.
  • In the first quarter of the 2024-2025 school year, INFOhio digital resources were used more than 3.7 million times, resulting in the highest Q1 use of INFOhio digital resources in more than a decade. 

How does that grab you?​

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It probably doesn’t.






The data is important. Increasingly, educators are asked to supply data for their educational initiatives.

  • Want to continue a program? Where’s your data to support its past success?
  • Want to start a new program? Where’s your data to support the need for it?
  • Need to increase your budget? Where’s your data to demonstrate how you’ve used your existing budget?

But facts and figures without context—without the why and the how, without the story to surround it—are rarely compelling enough to motivate someone to action.

Make it compelling.

Along with sharing data, we demonstrate the value of the INFOhio digital resources by sharing stories—your stories! We'll send the next edition of The INFOhio Impact, our annual newsletter featuring real stories from real users, to legislators and other stakeholders in early 2025. See past issues of The INFOhio Impact to learn how and why school librarians and teachers use INFOhio's digital resources to impact student learning. Do you have a story that will help make our data more compelling? Please share your #INFOhioWorks story with us.

An easy way you can provide context to our data is to share how #INFOhioWorks for you on social media. We repost #INFOhioWorks stories and include them in our By The Numbers flyer.

If you're ready to take advocacy to the next level, connect with your legislators to thank them for their continued support of INFOhio and to share why that support makes a difference for your students. Building relationships with your legislators and their staff can seem daunting at first, but most legislators want to hear from their constituents, especially when you're sharing how their work has a positive impact on Ohio's children.

Your story matters!

Together we can tell a compelling story about how and why #INFOhioWorks.

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Thank you for sharing the value of easy access to high-quality resources that foster a love of reading in children across the state, and that open doors for students to explore Ohio's in-demand careers—helping prepare today’s students for tomorrow’s jobs.

About the Author

Posted by: INFOhio Staff

INFOhio is Ohio's PreK-12 digital library. INFOhio is optimized by the Management Council.

INFOhio Staff
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