Author // Mary Rowland Tuesday, 10 December 2024
In 2024, INFOhio remained dedicated to its mission; to provide equitable access to quality digital resources and cost-effective instructional and technical support for each student, educator, and parent in Ohio. This year, educators, students, and families, from all 88 counties across Ohio, used resources from INFOhio. The first quarter of 2024 set a record posting the highest first-quarter usage of all digital tools and resources available through INFOhio. By establishing a permanent eBook collection, INFOhio expanded access to digital materials to all Ohio students for years to come. As we approach the new year, let's celebrate the Best of 2024 from INFOhio.
In 2024, INFOhio expanded access to quality text to supplement curricula. Find eBooks and quality digital text using resources through INFOhio. Use the blog posts and webinar below to learn how to supplement phonics instruction, and build background knowledge and vocabulary with quality digital text.
The text used for reading instruction is important. Quality text meets the needs of readers and the task, develops background knowledge and vocabulary, and stretches readers with complexity to prepare them for college and careers. As readers learn through the systematic and explicit instruction of structured literacy, authentic, grade-level, and content-area-specific text must be used to develop language comprehension. These eBooks can help engage, empower, elevate, and extend readers.
With funding from Future Forward Ohio, INFOhio has purchased thousands of eBooks and videos to supplement the curriculum. Ohio's educators and students can access more than 6500 eBooks and 2800 educational videos. Usage data indicates that educators and students are taking advantage of this expanded collection of eBooks as INFOhio saw a 200% increase in the use of Capstone eBooks for the first quarter of this school year. As access and use of digital platforms grow, the ability to read in multiple formats is an important digital literacy skill. A 2022 Pew Research Center study found that 33% of adults read print and digital books (Faverio and Perrin, 2022). Ohio educators recognize the benefits of using eBooks, in conjunction with print books in the classroom and school library. Ohio's educators can use this collection of eBooks and videos to teach a valuable set of digital literacy skills students will carry into adulthood.
Browse the blog posts below to learn more about INFOhio's eBook and Video Collections.
Educator Tools continues to be a one-stop shop for Ohio educators looking for digital materials for their classrooms. This year, INFOhio updated the content and filters, making it the go-to platform to find newly purchased eBooks and videos. This repository holds more than 10,000 eBooks, videos, learning modules, and digital materials purchased, licensed, or developed by INFOhio.
Educators can search all INFOhio's purchased content and most licensed content from a single search box. Updated filters give educators the ability to narrow results. Use Educator Tools to find videos, eBooks, and learning modules to supplement your curriculum materials and support Ohio's Learning Standards.
Click the heart in the lower left corner of an item to save it to a list of favorites. Next, send the list to your inbox using your email address. Favorite lists are static, return to the list and revisit your favorite items when planning lessons.
Educators leading professional learning will find eBooks teaching instructional best practices. Below is a list of professional learning eBooks available to Ohio's educators at no cost to their district. As part of the permanent collection, these eBooks allow simultaneous, multi-user use.
This year, INFOhio renewed licensed digital content and purchased additional digital materials to support science, technology, engineering, and math classrooms for grades K-12. Educators can browse STEM-focused resources or use choice boards to browse a collection of instructional materials to support STEM.
ScienceFlix offers more than 80 complete units of study for science, technology, engineering, and math in classrooms grades 6-8. Engage student learning with videos, articles, hands-on experiments, career exploration, and lesson plans aligned with the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS) in correlation with Ohio's Learning Standards and Model Curriculum for Science. Learn how to use ScienceFlix to banish boredom in this Learn with INFOhio webinar.
Science Online is a digital resource for grades 6-12 classrooms to support science, technology, engineering, and math. Educators can search for experiments, learning modules, videos, and articles on science and math topics. With an easy-to-use interface, students can use Science Online to research topics and careers in STEM.
Find curated collections of eBooks, videos, and experiments for STEM with INFOhio choice boards. Using choice boards, students learn about a topic by choosing eBooks, videos, learning modules, and activities. INFOhio instructional team members selected materials based on text complexity, to ensure all students have access to materials to build background knowledge and strengthen vocabulary skills. These choice boards are ready to share with students. Read the blog post Science Choice Boards to Support Background Knowledge and select from choice boards on biology, chemistry, earth science, space science, and the scientific method.
Whether you are new to the school library or a seasoned veteran, learn tips and tricks for juggling the many tasks in a school library. INFOhio's Library Technology Specialists share the best tips for working with students, running circulation reports, developing a collection policy, and weeding your collection. Revisit the blog posts below for tips and tricks from experienced school librarians and library staff. Use these blog posts and flyers to increase your confidence and advocate the value of your library services platform.
INFOhio is looking forward to continue providing equitable access to quality digital materials to Ohio's educators, students, and families in 2025. The best way to learn about updates on INFOhio is to visit our Stay Connected page. You can choose how you want to receive updates.
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Mary Rowland is a Senior Instructional Specialist with INFOhio. A former high school English teacher with 14 years of teaching experience, Mary is an accomplished leader who facilitated professional development in her previous district on integrating web-based tools into the classroom, Google Apps for Education, and writing across the curriculum. During her career, Mary mentored student teachers and served on both the district and building leadership committees. She has earned a BA in English, an MS in Education: Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, and is a Google Certified Educator Level 2. Mary is passionate about supporting INFOhio’s mission to help Ohio’s educators integrate the tools and resources to strengthen education for Ohio’s students.
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